Friday, November 22, 2019

So, It's Been 10 Years huh?

Ten years on the road you say, huh? I can't believe I made it this far...

I didn't write every year about this, but this is what I've written on this magnificent occasion...:
2015: Back Home?

And without further ado, my thoughts for, wait for it: 10 year anniversary! yay!

First off,  I was supposed to write this on the actual date of the anniversary and not a week later... fuck me right?

I have been through a lot of shit in all these ten years. I've met people. I've un-met people... can I even say that? It's like one day they are very important to you and you think you cannot live without them, and then bam! they're strangers to you. They act like they don't know you. Oh well, it's their miss, not mine.

Even tho I tried to follow my late father's advice to be happy, I've had my moments. I'm not at my greatest right now due to many factors. I mean, I'm happy to be where I am at the moment and I wouldn't change if for anything but still. Don't know how to explain it. I know I'm not the only feeling what I'm feeling. I know so many people right now that. 

I've seen so many places. Places I never thought I'd see some day... shit, I've written this before. I don't know what else to write that I haven't written yet...

Hmmm. okay, last time I wrote I was back home. I ended up staying for about 5 months. It was shit! Thanks to someone it was not a complete shit stay. I will always be grateful for that. Labai ačiu...

Sometimes it gets me a while to get onto the swing of things when I move a new place. That was the case when I moved to E(riceira). That year (2016) was a fucking telenovela. A telenovela that I hope I won't ever, ever, EVER had to watch again.

It was my second time living on the PT. Had a hard time adjusting but ended up loving E. Finally managed to move back and work for the enemy for a few months. It was fun tho. Being back in E, I mean... lol

Sometimes I wish I could go back to my 2014 self. I didn't care about anyone or anything. Dunno, someone told that he likes my present self more. Not so sure. I'm a softy now and I don't want to get fucked over. Which I have, by the way.

When I was in Nicaragua a few years ago, I almost fuck all and go back home. I'm actually glad I didn't. I'm here, otherwise I think it would've taken me a few months to get back, best case scenario.

I'm confirming that I write less bullshit when I'm drinking. I have this shitty beer by my side. 50 cents for a beer, it's a good deal, I think? Should've bought four, instead of two. Or not, I have to work later.

Portugal became my second (or first?) home. I have lived in there basically since 2015, until now. I live in Sevilla now. I like it here. It's not as cold as other places I have been. The rain sucks tho. I don't like rain. I mean, I don't care about it if I'm home, watching a movie or writing this with a beer in hand. But if I have to be outside or go somewhere, then it sucks!

When I was in E, this past summer, we broke the "corporate" record of the most sales at the bar. Guess who was barteding that evening? That makes me remember the last week (or day?) I was working at the bar in Jungle Hell, I sold the most booze of all bartenders. And people liked the music I played. I like my taste in music. Now it's very diverse. A few years ago it was mostly heavy metal, I mean, still is but now I listen to a lot of other genres. I could listen to Britney Spear's Toxic and the next song could be The Number of the Beast. I like to listen to music on shuffle.

Don't know what else to write, I want another beer and my back is killing me. Had to clean up a garage and had to carry a lot of heavy shit. Now I'm fixing bikes. Should practice some French but I start working soon again. I have double shift tonight and again tomorrow. But I'm Sunday and Monday off.

One last thing, life is indeed like a bad haircut...