Indeed it has.
Having been born and raised in the tropics, when I think of a beach the first thing that comes to my mind are palm trees. Black sand beaches (Guatemala's Pacific coast is all made of volcanic origin black sand). The sound of the waves breaking up right in front of the beach. Watching the sun coming up from the water and at the end of the day watching it going deep into the mighty waters (this can happen given to Guatemala's particular coast line) and try to see the last (green I think) ray of light before the sun continues its path of warming up us earthlings. Wow... did I just had an homesick attack? no, probably not but it was nice to remember the sunset in Monterrico. At least the last time I saw was last summer.
When I think about a sea (or ocean) I think about warm weather and warm (more or less) waters. Me wearing shorts and showing off my spaghetti legs. Seagulls and pelicans and other aquatic birds flying around and shitting everywhere. First time I came to Europe I was in shock: I chose Norway in the winter! Sea level but no palm trees, no sand, snow everywhere and no warmth! It was strange for me to be at sea level and being that cold. One other thing that shocked me were the very short days: about 4-5 hours of sunlight!
"Life has taken an interesting curve" as I'm living a different life now. Healthier. I'm breathing the purest air. Every time I wake up I can hear the sound of hundreds birds singing but ok I could also hear them when I was in Panama City. I'm actually gaining weight for the first time since I lived with my auntie in early 2010 (not counting my time in mummy's house) which wasn't a lot. I thought about working out but then realized that all the work I was doing was worth the work out! I was asking myself today why I haven't gone to the beach and see the sunset, I've seen it from Linnahall twice, why not the beach near by away from everything and everybody? Maybe unconsciously I'm waiting for someone to go with...
In a few weeks I will move to Tallinn and live on board a boat but I'm coming back often to the country side. It's going to be nice, switching back and forth two completely different and opposite places.
I was walking the other day when I was in Tallinn and realized that it has been almost two years since I walked in its street without snow! It's very nice although I miss the sound the snow makes when you're walking over it. It's funny how accustomed to weather I am now, it's 14C and I working in shorts and a tshirt, which actually was the first time in more than half a year that I was able to wear shorts outside! The last time I did that was when I was in Mexico last year. The other day it was 9C and I was only wearing a polar. Ok, standing on the road when it's windy it's not very wise but in the city was fine.
My iPod was stolen the other night. Shit!
I was walking the other day when I was in Tallinn and realized that it has been almost two years since I walked in its street without snow! It's very nice although I miss the sound the snow makes when you're walking over it. It's funny how accustomed to weather I am now, it's 14C and I working in shorts and a tshirt, which actually was the first time in more than half a year that I was able to wear shorts outside! The last time I did that was when I was in Mexico last year. The other day it was 9C and I was only wearing a polar. Ok, standing on the road when it's windy it's not very wise but in the city was fine.
My iPod was stolen the other night. Shit!