I had this situation the other day, I was facebooking when I read two of my friend's statuses and I didn't even read anything but I had an idea of what was it about. I knew some retired motherfucking general was being trialed back home in Guatemala. I wished it was a mistake but I went on the news website and to my frustration it was true.
There is a God and the annulment of the trial lasted only a few hours. Another judge overruled the annulment of the trial and it's back on track!
On another note I did a bit of rural hitchhiking. At least the part to get to the highway from Pudisoo, I never thought it was going to be that easy! I found the second ride in a village called "Loo". I pictured myself having this conversation with a driver:
- tere
- something something in estonian
- I don't speak estonian
- where are you going?
- I'm going to the loo...
And last but not least, when I was standing on the highway, a taxi drove me to Tallinn! Never thought this would happened in Europe but I remember that it happened to me before when I left Lisboa.