It was the last day of fasching (carnival) so there was a big parade in one of the main streets. People told me that I should've gone to Koln which has a bigger carnival but in fact big celebrations are not my cup of tea so this small fasching parade was awesome! There were people screaming all kinds of things in German. I saw a group of German kids singing so I started to lalalalal. The girl sang that she wanted a photo. With me! So we posed and when she was hugging me she grabbed my ass! It was not the last time that kind of thing happened that afternoon. Later I had my ass grabbed this time by two girls, one in each side. While walking we saw some boxes so we used them as a swiss cheese costume. We danced for a girl busking and she said something like "I've been doing this for a quite a while now but I have never had two chunks of cheese dancing for me". Karl left and Ailen drew whiskers on her face. The cheese was chasing the mouse all over the streets! We sure made some people laugh.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Fasching in Heidelberg